I have been working with children that have communication difficulties for 20 years: 4 years completing the degree course in Speech Sciences at UCL university and 16 years as a qualified speech and language therapist.
I have developed my skills working in the NHS and became a band 7 ‘Highly Specialist Paediatric Speech and Language Therapist’.
I worked with children with more complex needs such as cerebal palsy, various syndromes and autism. I was the Primary Care Trust’s specialist in autism and have worked with children from 9 months to 18 years at home, in mainstream schools and in special schools and units.
I also worked with children under 7 with more common communication difficulties. I have a particular interest in children with speech difficulties but also work with children with language difficulties and stammers.
I am passionate about keeping up to date with the latest therapy techniques and research. As part of this commitment I have been on numerous training courses including:
Lidcombe course for stammering
Hanen: “It takes two to talk” training
MaKaton signing stages 1-8
I am registered with all the appropriate professional bodies; the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT), the Health Professions Council (HPC) and the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practise, (ASLTIP).
I have 2 children Eve and Rae and am now working part time privately.
Experience and skills
How I work
We all want the best for our children and we all want them to be happy and I believe good communication is essential. It is a foundation skill needed for school, friendships, behaviour, confidence etc.
Learning to communicate is incredibly complex (in fact it’s the most complex thing we learn to do) so it’s not surprising that sometimes it doesn’t develop as we would expect.
I believe when the people around children truly understand communication and exactly where the difficulties lay it’s easy to take opportunities throughout the day to work on them and to make therapy fun for everyone.

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